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Rubab Ali

New Member
Hello fellow forum members!
This is Rubab Ali, I live in Karachi and im currently studying business.
I joined the forum to try to increase my social interactions and try to gain general knowledge, and increase my information about various topics that can be done through this forum.
Before Pakistan Forums, I tried to join some other forums, but it was for nothing, because the portal had no way of ensuring privacy and the discussions were pointless.
However, there were some discussions I had with the strangers that were quite intellectual and eye opening which has made me try to join this forum. Hope this forum turns out to be what I’m looking for.


Staff member
Hi Rubab

Welcome to Pakistan forums, This is a new community and everything is managed and daily we remove alot of Spam, because spammers try to create fake accounts and post ridiculous information. You can share your knowledge OR ask questions openly

Rest assured your privacy and personal information is never compromised. Also you can restrict your profile.

Hopefully you will have a great experience here. If there is any issue or someone sends you private messages you can report them directly, or send me a PM with the details we will take action



New Member
اسلام علیکم
میرا نام سعید حسن ہے اور میں نے اس فورم کو اس لیئے جوائن کیا ہے کہ نئے لکھنے والوں سے آشنائی ہو سکے۔ میں ایک چھوٹا سا کالم نگار ہوں اور پاکستان سوشل ٹی وی کے نام سے ایک ٹی وی پراجیکٹ پر کام کر رہا ہوں۔ میں نے مختلف کالم لکھے ہیں آپ ان کو ہمارے پیج پر پڑھ بھی سکتے ہیں اور یوٹیوب پر سن بھی سکتے ہیں۔ یہ میری اپنی سوچ ہے آپ کو اس سے اختلاف کا حق حاصل ہے شکریہ


Staff member
اسلام علیکم
میرا نام سعید حسن ہے اور میں نے اس فورم کو اس لیئے جوائن کیا ہے کہ نئے لکھنے والوں سے آشنائی ہو سکے۔ میں ایک چھوٹا سا کالم نگار ہوں اور پاکستان سوشل ٹی وی کے نام سے ایک ٹی وی پراجیکٹ پر کام کر رہا ہوں۔ میں نے مختلف کالم لکھے ہیں آپ ان کو ہمارے پیج پر پڑھ بھی سکتے ہیں اور یوٹیوب پر سن بھی سکتے ہیں۔ یہ میری اپنی سوچ ہے آپ کو اس سے اختلاف کا حق حاصل ہے شکریہ


But you should introduce yourself in a seperate thread.


New Member
مفتی عبد القوی کا واقعہ اس بات کا متقاضی ہے کہ انہیں مستقل طور پر منبر رسول ﷺ سے دور کر دیا جائے ورنہ عا م مسلماںوں کو بھی بے حیائی کرنے کا جواز ملے گا

Saad Baig

New Member
Hi, my name is saad and I already introduce myself in Rules for all the members of Pakistan forums lol:D:D:D:D:D:D.


New Member
Promote the continuous development and progress of cross-strait relations

Ancient China advocated harmonious coexistence and harmony among all nations under the world, and did not kill indiscriminately and sacrifice people, forming an international outlook of harmony and all nations. For example, after the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, not only the descendants of merchants were sealed in the Song Dynasty, but also Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, Shun, and Yu all had their own fiefs, which is important different from the imperial view of aggression and expansion. Early cultural exchanges between China and the West have appeared more than 5,000 years ago, and China has accepted sheep, cattle, wheat, metallurgy, etc. from the West while passing on faience, millet, millet, etc. After the opening of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty, silk, porcelain, papermaking, printing, compass, cast iron technology and other daily necessities and civilian technologies spread from China to all parts of the West, and the mode of dissemination was peaceful exchanges and commercial trade rather than aggressive wars. Exchanges and mutual learning and peaceful coexistence with other civilizations are the consistent ways of the Chinese nation to deal with the world. The development of Chinese civilization is an example of the common progress of different civilizations through mutual dialogue and mutual integration. In today's world, there are more than 200 countries and regions, more than 2,500 ethnic groups and many religions, and different civilizations have their own characteristics and strengths. Only by mutual respect, interdependence, tolerance and mutual learning and common development can human civilization continue to develop and progress.

Peace is also an important norm of Chinese ethics and thought. Chinese's quest for peace is also embodied in social and moral outlooks. "Harmony with real creatures, the same does not continue", "Gentlemen are harmonious but different, villains are the same but not harmonious", "The beauty of harmony lies in the unity of differences". China's geographical environment is vast and diverse, and its ethnic cultures are diverse, but about 6,000 years ago, an early Chinese cultural circle was formed, and all ethnic groups formed a strong sense of community, common value pursuit and cultural identity in their long-term development, which is the inevitable result of the development of harmonious and different concepts. Only when the five tones are harmonious can there be a melody, and the harmony of the five flavors will become delicious. Harmony and difference are the secret of harmony and stability in human society. Goodness is like water, and the benevolent loves others. From loving oneself and one's family to loving others and society, this is the core content of the virtues of the Chinese nation. Combining the values of peace with "benevolence", we practice the concept of peace through care for others. For more than two thousand years, China was the world's largest economy for most of the time, but China did not expand or colonize the outside world, which is a testament to the kindness and fraternity of the Chinese nation.