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Nature taken for granted

Title : Nature taken for granted

How beautiful are those untold presents
Wrapped in ribbons of red or Hazen
Standing on top of BOX HILL
I tried to glance and mesmerize
The breathtaking beauty of nature
Which itself is a present taken for granted
Hills are like big and little bumps over tiny Earth
Like pit of sand extracted from hearth
I tried to walk on lush green hill
But scene which I saw was painstakingly painful
The hill was dumped with litter and trash cans everywhere
And just before my eyes was a family taking a trip
And left in this ground on this magically magical hill
Was garbage and trash cans of their lunch left still
And on the other glance, I saw a stray dog with bleeding foot
Injured by none other than bottle of wine
What a painstakingly painful scene
Harsh yet truthful reality
The beauty of nature which we often see being exploited
Yet do nothing for it rather than
I fear the day our generations would miss the hills being lush green
If we left this matter unseen.
